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Can Coffee Make you Lose Weight?

Updated: Oct 12, 2019

Drinking a cup of coffee can help you lose weight by stimulating "brown fat", which burns calories to generate body heat, experts have found. Brown adipose tissue, or "brown fat", is one of two types of fat that humans have. Its main function is to turn food into body heat. It is sometimes called "good" fat.

Coffee can help you slim down because it is capable of boosting your metabolism. Some experts say that coffee can also reduce appetite. While it is not a meal replacement, coffee can “stimulate thermogenesis (heat and energy)” which means a reduced appetite and a temporarily lessened need for food, as per some nutritionist explained. However, it is important to note that weight loss is linked to black coffee - and not sugary frappuccinos. Make sure to avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners to make it a low-calorie drink.

Black coffee consists of caffeine that very effectively increases metabolic activity and boosts energy level in our body. Better metabolic activities and high energy levels may lead to suppression of hunger in the body. There's also some evidence showing that people who drank more coffee had a lower risk of obesity, as well as a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

Coffee was brought to the New World by the British in the mid-17th century. Coffee houses were popular, but it wasn't until the Boston Party in 1773 that America's coffee culture was changed forever: the revolt against King George III generated a mass switch from tea to coffee amongst the colonists.

Historical facts: An Ethiopian Legend...

Legend says a 9th-century Ethiopian goatherd Kaldi first discovered the potential of these beloved beans when noticed that his goats became so energetic and did not want to sleep at nigh after eating the berries from a certain tree.

Drawbacks of Coffee

Drinking too much coffee can make you jittery, interrupt your sleep and cause anxiety, depression or a fast heart rate. The FDA recommends up to 400 milligrams — approximately 4 to 5 cups of coffee daily — as the recommended upper limit for caffeine intake. If you're drinking more than 3 cups daily, choose decaf coffee for the extra cups.

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